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MSc Thesis: Measures for the reduction of CO2 emissions, by the inland shipping fleet, on the Rotterdam-Antwerp corridor

MSc Thesis: Measures for the reduction of CO2 emissions, by the inland shipping fleet, on the Rotterdam-Antwerp corridor

Leonore Vehmeijer graduated on her thesis “Measures for the reduction of CO2 emissions, by the inland shipping fleet, on the Rotterdam-Antwerp corridor”. In this thesis she used OpenTNSim to simulate IWT traffic over the Rotterdam-Atwerp corridor under different scenarios, to subsequently estimate CO2 footprints.

Leonore Vehmeijer, 2019. Measures for the reduction of CO2 emissions, by the inland shipping fleet, on the Rotterdam-Antwerp corridor. MSc thesis. Delft University of Technology, Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Hydraulic Engineering - Ports and Waterways. Delft, the Netherlands.

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